Talk Like A Local – Our Guide To Irish Slang


Slang words and terms are distinguished in every country, city, town or region, and Ireland is no different from the rest. The most notorious slang terms associated with Irish folks are generally well known, some you may be well aware of, others maybe not so much. To help you out, especially if a visit to Ireland is on the cards, we’ve put together a small guide to Irish slang so that you can fit in with the locals without a hitch, what’s the Craic? Well, we’re about to find out, stay tuned!


Craic is a Gaelic word which is pronounced as ‘Crack’. It’s widely used in Ireland, and if you visit Dublin, without a doubt that you will hear this word a lot. It is often used as a form of greeting whereas one will ask ‘what’s the Craic?’ on passing, basically meaning what’s up, how are you doing, what’s happening? Etc. It’s a casual way of greeting a person, and its meaning can differentiate slightly, depending on who you ask, in general, the term is rather fun and informal.

Sure look

In conversation with an Irish person, don’t be surprised if you hear ‘Sure look’ in response to a question. Basically, the term means, so-so, it is what it is. If the conversation is uninteresting to the person, they may also use this phrase, and if they are not sure on how to respond because they don’t really get what you are saying, they may use this term also.


One of the most widely used words in Ireland, the term Grand means mostly Ok, but also has quite a few other similar meanings, such as great, excellent or fine. It’s impossible to not come across the term Grand in Ireland since everybody tends to use it often.

Up to 90

Up to 90 is used to describe when a person is busy with no time to spare, flat out, tiring, hectic, you name it.

Give it a lash

Give it a go, give it some welly, have a bash at it, try it, that is what is usually meant by the term ‘Give it a lash’ when a person is asking you to try something.


This term is usually used when a person is making fun of something or someone.


This Irish term means when something is not working, broken down, had its day. It could be used to describe something or even a person (cheekily).

The Jacks

This term is refereeing to the toilet. Someone may ask you ‘where is the jacks or you may need to use the term yourself, so it’s a handy one to know.

Leg it

Again, not specific to Ireland but often used, to leg it means to run quick, leg it to the shop, leg it to meet a mate, leg it to catch the bus etc.

Giving out

This is used when complaining or telling somebody off.

Your man/ your one

Your one means woman and your man mean man, not necessarily yours as such but in general, so hearing this term can be somewhat confusing for non-Irish people.


Another Gaelic term this word, pronounced (Slahn-cheh) is another form of ‘Cheers’ it’s impossible not to hear the phrase in any Irish pub.

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